Who Joins KPTA?

KPTA is a voluntary association (501(c)6) of Kansas public transportation operators and agencies interested in public transportation issues. KPTA also includes among its members businesses across the U.S. who do business with the public transportation industry. At present KPTA membership includes members in 21 states and Canada.

How Is KPTA Governed?

KPTA is a 501(c)6 (educational) non-profit organization. The Association is guided by a set of by-laws approved by voting members of the Association.

The Association is governed by a Board of Directors elected annually at the KPTA annual meeting. The Board consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate past chair, regional directors representing rural systems,  directors representing urban systems, and seven at-large directors. The Board is required to meet on a quarterly basis.

Day-to-day administration of the association is provided by an Executive Director, responsible to operate under an annually approved work-plan and budget. The director is retained under contract by the Board and serves under their direction.

How Much Are Dues?

KPTA dues are among the most reasonable for any trade association in the U.S. Get more information here

Are There Other Sources of Revenue?

Membership dues account for approximately 1/3rd of the KPTA operating budget. The remaining 2/3rds of the budget is provided via a grant (5311 and 5313B) provided by the Kansas Department of Transportation.

What are KPTA's Priorities?

KPTA emphasizes services to members in the areas of training, information and advocacy. Training is provided via the KPTA annual meeting and other activities.

Information is provided members via e-mail bulletins, newsletters, and mailings.

Advocacy for Kansas transit is a component of representation before the Kansas Legislature and through communication with the Kansas Congressional Delegation. Additionally, other opportunities in the areas of training, information, and advocacy are brought forward by KPTA's membership in the American Public Transit Association, Community Transportation Association of America and the Southwest Transit Association.

212 SW 8th Avenue  Suite 202  Topeka, KS  66603          785-235-8825          kptacentral@yahoo.com

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